Enabling PayPal notifications.

Updated over 2 years ago.

Recent changes to PayPal have made it necessary for you to add a setting to your PayPal account which enables Instant Payment Notifications. These notifications happen when someone purchases one of your listings and tells eBearShow to mark the item off as sold. It is important to enable this or you will need to mark sold listings off manually.

Here's the procedure. <strong>Note: this must be done in a browser such as Safari or Chrome, by logging into your account at PayPal.com. You cannot ...


New Layby Feature

Updated over 8 years ago.

After receiving a few requests from stallholders, we'd like to announce that we've added the ability to make a listing available for layby. This means you can specify a deposit which will reserve the listing. You can then organise a payment plan that suits yourself and the purchaser.

There's a new section when you add a listing that looks like this:

<img src="http://res.cloudinary.com/hq2gsiomp/image/upload/v1454023913/layby002_zytjay.jpg" class="img-responsive">

Filling that secti...



Is your cluttered website killing sales?

Updated almost 9 years ago.

<strong>Do you ever come across websites so cluttered that you can’t find your way around?</strong> Unfortunately it’s a very common problem. It starts innocently enough when you put a banner or two up to advertise an upcoming show, then a few spinning email links, then a banner or two for all the Clubs and Associations you support then hit counter and so on, but soon it grows into a cluttered mess and people can’t find what they are actually looking for… your creations for sale.

The prob...



Effective backgrounds for your image

Updated almost 9 years ago.

Do you sometimes worry about the background in your images?

There are a number of factors that can influence the effectiveness of your images and one of the main ones is your background. Backgrounds can vary from a simple one colour backdrop to a complex outdoor scene, say your garden. There are no hard and fast rules as to whether you should use one or the other as it very much depends on where you are displaying them. The main thing to remember is that the background should never take th...


Using the appropriate image size and layout

Updated about 6 years ago.

The right image for your creations is essential and the wrong one can be disastrous for your sales. So how do you go about choosing images that will show off your art in the best way and enhance the chances of a sale?
<p class="lead">Let’s start with picking the correct size and layout.</p>

There are three possible layouts for your image. Portrait, landscape and square. Portrait is taller than it is wide, Landscape is wider than it is tall and square is exactly what is says.
<img src="h...


We've had a little makeover.

Updated about 9 years ago.

Those of you who visit the site often will have noticed we've had a little makeover. We've put a lot of work into the site recently to make it work well on mobile devices like iPads and phones. A huge amount of our visitors are using mobile devices these days and unfortunately not all sites work well on them. We've made sure ours does!

While we were working to make the site responsive to mobile devices, we gave a "fresh coat of paint" as well. We hope you like the new look.


Change of date

Updated about 9 years ago.

Hi Folks,
We just wanted to let you know we've extended to Artist Call period for another week. A few artists have only just found out about our show and needed a little more time to get their applications in.

We will now be closing Artist applications on the 4th of July. To coincide with the new date we've also extended the date that payments close by a week as well.



We are now on Facebook

Updated about 9 years ago.

We have just opened our brand new facebook page at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ebearshow">www.facebook.com/ebearshow</a>

Please drop in and say hello and please feel free to share the link to all your friends. We will be promoting the show heavily through Facebook and any help you can give in this regard would be very much appreciated.


Adding a Listing to your Stall

Updated about 9 years ago.

This short video will walk you through the basic steps in adding a Listing to your Stall on eBearShow.com.


Setting up a Stall on eBearShow.com

Updated about 9 years ago.

This video will show you how to upload your header and preview images once your stall has been accepted into the show.


Creating a Stall in eBearShow.

Updated about 9 years ago.

This short video will guide you through the basic steps to create your own stall on eBearShow.com


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